Chem Mater:二维稀土氧化物超薄纳米片的矿化剂协助制备与形貌控制
NSR_Special Topic_Single Atom Catalysts
Monolithic 3D Cross-Linked Polymeric Graphene Materials and the Likes: Preparation and Their Redox C
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QTranslate_5.3.0.2_中文绿色版 (翻译电竞投注官网 工具)
ESVision (简化版TIA软件)(打开 emi.格式)
WSxM5_0Develop9_1 (扫描探针显微镜图像处理)
TFC Essential Macleod 10.2 (光学薄膜设计)
DigitalMicrograph_3.9 (TEM分析软件)
Picture Cutout Guide v2.10.2 汉化注册版 (无损抠图)
reviews of two dimensional nanomaterials
NoteExpress破解版_v2.2.0.674 (电竞投注官网 管理与检索)
Xpert_highscore_plus_2.0 (XRD分析软件)
Nano_Measurer_1.2_setup (粒径分析计算)
Skyrmions and the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction
Ambient conversion of CO2 to hydrocarbons by biogenic and synthetic [Fe4S4] clusters
The Defect Chemistry of Metal Oxides
Advanced ESR Methods in Polymer Research
Multiplets of Transition-Metal Ions in Crystals
Molecular Quantum Mechanics, 5th Edition
配位场理论Introduction to ligand field theory
Handbook of Multifrequency Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Data and Techniques
EPR of Exchange Coupled Systems
Electron Spin Resonance in Semiconductors
EasySpin: EPR Spectral Analysis, Simulation and Fitting
Applications of EPR in Radiation Research
Applications of EPR and NMR spectroscopy in homogeneous catalysis
Calculation of NMR and EPR Parameters
Advanced Topics in EXAFS Analysis
Data Processing with ifeffit, athena, & artemis
Introduction to ab-initio methods for EXAFS data analysis
Strategies for Stabilizing Atomically Dispersed Metal Catalysts
Metal Catalysts for Heterogeneous Catalysis: From Single Atoms to Nanoclusters and Nanoparticles
PanDownload_v1.4.7 (百度网盘无线下载破解版)
Biomolecular EPR Spectroscopy Software
Computational Catalysis-Royal Society
NatChem. Towards the computational design of solid catalysts-J. K. Nørskov
fundamental concepts in heterogeneous catalysis-Jens_K._Nrskov
metal nanoclusters in catal and materials science
Introduction to Surface Chemistry and Catalysis-Somorjai
Density functional theory-a practical introduction
Introduction to the Theory and Applications of Molecular and Quantum Mechanics